I planted this hibiscus last year and it already had a few blooms so I knew what color the flowers would be. There have been some little green worms eating the leaves so I wasn't sure if it would make it. Low and behold when I left for the first day of school it was in bloom. I am the type of gardner that lets the plants stay in there past bloom state. I enjoy the look of the "bones" of the plant. My garden doesn't have any rhyme or reason. For the most part I try to have plants that bloom at all different times so I can enjoy the color and look of the flowers. As autumn approaches my heart breaks a little with the change. The leaves are dry from the heat and the smell of the ground is not the same newness as spring. I think this year I will have a harder time letting go of the summer and its beauty. This is the first summer I have whole heartedly felt joy.
queen annes lace